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For: Maturing / Inside Out Exhibition

As we collected stories from around the world for our inaugural issue, we wanted to do something extra for the inspiring people in the issue by showcasing them together in one public place.
For: Maturing / Inside Out Exhibition

by Patrick Durgin-Bruce

June 25, 2018

For started with an idea: that we can all individually do more for others. As we collected stories from around the world for our inaugural issue, For: Maturing, we wanted to do something extra for the inspiring people in the issue by showcasing them together in one public place. Inspired by the work of the artist JR (also featured in the issue), we worked with his team at the Inside Out Project to mount a public art exhibition in downtown Manhattan.

Up at 304 Hudson Street from October 27 through November 17, 2017, it featured portraits of people from around the world who are working to improve how we age, installed in 13 windows wrapping around two sides of the building. 

Individuals featured include:

Matthias Hollwich, Architect and author of New Aging: Live Smarter Now to Live Better Forever
Sheri Mann Stewart, Actor and activist
Royce Mann, Poet and activist
Dr. Emi Kiyota, Community Organizer and Founder of Ibasho
Guillermina MuñozPreserver of Indigenous Cooking Recipes 
Hipólito Vázquez, Preserver of Indigenous Cooking Recipes 
Ashton Applewhite, Activist and author of This Chair Rocks: Pushing Back Against Ageism 
Weeraphong Kangwannavakul, Founder of the Play Museum in Thailand
Delis Palacios, Peace Activist in Colombia
Yudelis Palacios, Daughter of Peace Activist in Colombia
Mãe Nega, Brazilian Religious Leader
People from the Ibasho Intergenerational Community Centers in Japan and Nepal
People from the Centro Espírita Casa Nova in Brazil
People from the Play Museum in Thailand


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For: Maturing

In our first issue, we explore the broad concept of maturing, considering the growth and change of people, societies, and ideas with the passing of time. Articles explore the experiences of people who have dedicated their lives to peace and to human rights, people who preserve the religious or culinary histories of their community groups, and people who design housing and community gathering places. All are people who improve the lives of others. We have gathered their unique stories together in one place to inspire our readers to challenge preconceived notions of “growing up” and “growing old” and consider the role of time and maturing in our own lives.