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Announcing Issue 2 –
For: Belonging

Our second issue is shipping soon!
Announcing Issue 2 – <br>For: Belonging

by For Magazine

July 06, 2020

Our second issue explores how the intersection of identity, location and culture affects our connection to other people. Shipping in late July.



132 pages of exclusive stories from Hong Kong, Jordan, Mexico, Iraq and more.  


Representative Rashida Tlaib, one of the first Muslim women elected to the United States Congress, opens up about her outspoken style of serving low-income urban communities.
By: Lara Hasher
Photos: Michelle Gerard

Courtney Barnes, a South African teen who started as a participant in a “surf therapy” group that offers mental and emotional support to impoverished and at-risk youth, and found it so compelling that she stayed on to become a coach.
By: Anna Katherine Clemmons
Photos: Marike Herselman

Sylvia Acevedo, CEO of Girl Scouts, talks to two teen scouts about the importance of girl-specific spaces and how they empower girls to become leaders with confidence and courage. 
Interview by: Evelyn Durgin-Bruce and Violet Westrom
Photos and artwork by: Evelyn Durgin-Bruce and Violet Westrom

A special visual gallery showcasing photos created by displaced Yazidi youth who fled the Islamic State in Iraq, using photography to tell their stories to the world, produced by the 100cameras project.
By: Patrick Durgin-Bruce
Behind-the-scenes photography: Ellen Wildhagen

Ana Laura Lopez, activist and deportee who works to help others reintegrate into life in Mexico City after deportation from the United States.
By: Lauren Cocking
Photos: Celia Talbot Tobin (Mexico City) and Sebastián Hidalgo (Chicago)

A cross-religion conversation – between Reverend Bridget Kelso Anthony of West End Collegiate Church; Afaf Naser of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, Rabbi Zach Fredman of The New Shul, and Ravi Vaidyanaat Šivachãriar of The Hindu Temple Society of North America – sharing lessons on community organizing.
Moderated by: Marina Csomor
Illustrations: Benjamin Tuttle

Nick Teich and Chris Hudson, two leaders creating summer camps for LGBTQ+ families and exploring how summer camp can help children find their own identity and foster a sense of belonging.
By: Erin Heiser
Illustrations: Tara O Brien

A personal essay from Hashem Sabbegh, a Jordanian social entrepreneur helping teens from the Zaatari Refugee Camp to play professional football in Brazil.

Nadine Toe Toe, a New Zealand native of the Ngati Manawa Tribe, shares her home and her indiginous traditions with visitors from around the world.
By: Ben Sledge
Cinzia Maioha Jonathan 

Phyllis Marwah fights to protect the health and safety of young pregnant women in Hong Kong.
By: Amelia Sewell

We also have a curated playlist by experimental musician C. Spencer Yeh highlighting nostalgic songs that inspired a sense of belonging in his friends and fellow musicians as kids.


For: Belonging will be printed in Canada by Hemlock Printers (printer of Kinfolk, Eye on Design, and dozens of other high-quality mags) on premium paper utilizing post-consumer and FSC-certified pulp, and this issue features a special die-cut cover.