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Call for Submissions – Issue 2

Now accepting submissions for our second issue!
Call for Submissions – Issue 2

by Patrick Durgin-Bruce

January 05, 2019

Our mission at For is to pay it forward — we feature incredible change-makers, with the aim of showcasing positive actions that inspire us all to effect change in our own communities. Our next issue, For: Belonging, will focus on individuals who help others find community, exploring how location and culture affect our sense of identity. What does it mean to belong? How do we find belonging?

Would you like to contribute? Articles can be reported profiles or narrative descriptions, first-person essays, or Q-and-A interviews with a specific individual who is doing something positive for other people around the topic of belonging. We will also accept photo and illustrated essays. 

Download our submission guidelines to learn more

Please send pitches and samples to no later than Monday, January 21, 2019. Stories will be assigned in early February.

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For: Belonging

Our second issue explores how the intersection of identity, location and culture affects our connection to others. In this moment of political divisiveness and social distancing, it's inspiring to learn what individuals around the world are doing to help others feel like they belong.